Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Its Summer Time. Do You Know Where Your Employee's Minds Are?

You don't need to step outside to know that summer has begun, the dazed over gazes of your employee's eyes is the only clue you need. Work, during the summer is only a necessary evil to finance the summer escapades. Summer is heavy on the brain and visions of beach parties, holiday barbeque's and laying out by the pool are dancing in their heads. Time off requests are certainly coming in like a good surf.

The good thing for employees suffering with summer fever is that most US employers offer some sort of paid time off (PTO) or vacation benefit. Its healthy for employee's to take time off away from the office. How else can the company audit their activities? But that's another blog post. Now is also a good time for employers to take a look at their time off policies or create one, to make sure that the company is offering a competitive time off benefit and ensure that everyone is same page with the rules involved.

According to the Society for Human Resources Management, the average vacation days per year by years of service is summarized in the chart below.

Years of serviceAverage days per year
Less than 1 year9
2 years of service11
3 years of service12
4 years of service12
5 years of service14
6 years of service15
7 years of service15
8 years of service16
9 years of service16
10 years of service17
11 years of service18
12 years of service18
13 years of service18
14 years of service19
15 years of service19
More than 15 years of service21

Is your company cheating employees out of days by pool or giving employees more time to enjoy all the fun that comes along with the summer?

By the way, the lure of summer possibilities calls out to Human Resources professionals too. If you need to draft a time off policy for your organization, don't spend hours re-inventing the wheel. DocSourceNow is your ticket to freedom with policies and forms ready to download and print. So now that I've helped you get your work done, get out and do something unproductive!

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